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Maria M MargarethaNeave

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    We had a wonderful teacher - I think in 5th class - who read to us daily - at the moment I cannot recall his name - does anyone know? I left Zandvoort in 1952 for Australia on completion of 6th grade.

    We had a wonderful teacher - I think in 5th class - who read to us daily - at the moment I cannot recall his name - does anyone know? I left Zandvoort in 1952 for Australia on completion of 6th grade. Mimi Neave (nee Schneiders)

    Mariaschool, 1946

    Meneer Crabbedam (?).

    Meneer Crabbedam (?). You could hear a pin drop every afternoon while he read out a book to the class. A brilliant storyteller Mimi Neave (Schneiders) Sydney Australia

    Mariaschool, 1946