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Jan Auke Kapma

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Woont in Warwick U.K.

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    Came into Class 2 at this school, having lived near Utecht before.

    Came into Class 2 at this school, having lived near Utecht before.Remeber Miss Visser in Class 3, Miss Loman (?) in Class 5, Mr Kleve in class 6. School play area ws great, used to play with marbles a lot. Also remeber playing rounders in a park with a music stand. Was a great school, good memories.

    Adolf van Nassau school, 1969

    Was at this school for a long period.

    Was at this school for a long period. Started after our move from Haarlem in Havo 2, was ill for some time, could not settle in the class. Had to redo the year, great year, remember Marlies Rhode, Jacqueline Bouten, Menno van Moort, Erik .... Finished off in Havo 5, moved to VWO 5 and graduated at VWO 6. Had to go into the dutch army after that, waisted year. School is very large, they build the new building for the brugklas when I was there. Remeber English teacher coming on his bicycle to school in his leather jacket, remember Mr Demon the science teacher.

    nijmeegse scholen gemeenschap, 1976

    Came to the University after my waisted year in the Dutch Army to study Medicine.

    Came to the University after my waisted year in the Dutch Army to study Medicine. Studied hard first year, then enjoyed the nightlife a bit too much.Resat 6 exams in the summer period between year 3 and 4, passed 3. My grades were always below Jan Kamphuis, who used to get maximum scores... Passed my exams by surprise in year 4, postponed the study as I was going to Egypt on holiday in October. Did my co-assistent schappen in Venlo, Nijmegen, S'Hertogenbosh. Went to Tanzania to work in a hospital for 4 months, traveled for another 4, Did Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Ngorogoro crater, Ruwenzori mountains, Victoria Falls. Great times. I sat the american USMLE exams and passed, moved to the UK to try out a new healthcare system for 6 months on my way to America, met my future wife in the hospital.

    Katholieke Universiteit Nij..., 1984