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Hans Frankfort

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    Hans Frankfort heeft 4 klassenfoto's en kent 1 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?

    Meld je snel aan en vind jouw oud-schoolgenoten en klassenfoto's terug!


    There is little that I can remember specifically on a daily basis in the Franciscusschool; but I do remember the names of several of my classmates and hope to hear from them.

    There is little that I can remember specifically on a daily basis in the Franciscusschool; but I do remember the names of several of my classmates and hope to hear from them. I do remember when the late Queen Juliana visited our school in the 1958-1959 school year and our fourth grade class had to do gym all morning! The schoolreisjes that were done annually also filled my mind with memories and I could't forget the Sinterklaasfeestjes! I hope to see some of the klasfoto's of myself and/or my classmates and teachers. You're welcome to e-mail me in Dutch that I can still understand and read.

    Franciscusschool, 1954