Ontdek PLUS

Filitsa Nikolaidou

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    Bekijk het volledige profiel van Filitsa Nikolaidou en al je andere schoolgenoten!

    In SchoolBANK kun je GRATIS je scholen terugvinden en weer in contact komen met je docenten en schoolgenoten. Registreer je en begin meteen!

    Filitsa Nikolaidou heeft 0 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?

    Meld je snel aan en vind jouw oud-schoolgenoten en klassenfoto's terug!


    Periode 1974.

    Periode 1974

    R.K. Bernadettekleuterschool, 2008

    For all your info: ESB REUNION in the making for 14 May 2011! ------------------------------------------ (Mr Haas has the lead in this) You can follow info on this on LinkedIn group: "European School Bergen (ESB), the Netherlands" (title) *** (lin

    For all your info: ESB REUNION in the making for 14 May 2011! ------------------------------------------ (Mr Haas has the lead in this) You can follow info on this on LinkedIn group: "European School Bergen (ESB), the Netherlands" (title) *** (link) and/or Facebook group (if you fall into this category)group: "European School Bergen (ESB) 1970-1995 / Picture & memory sharing group" (title) **** (as well as on some other groups on there). If you are on there, do join & spread the word!

    Europese School Bergen, 1976